Frozen Croissants

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Yikes it’s winter, I almost forgot I lived in New Hampshire. The first plowable snowfall that is mostly sleet.  I miss those 60 degree days last week.

For the last several years my daughter orders ridiculously expensive frozen croissants from Williams-Sonoma. They are packed in dry ice which I consider part of the gift, When we were kids we would BEG the Good Humor ice cream man to give us a piece of dry ice. The stuff is cool, really cool, -109.3 F degrees of frozen carbon dioxide. You can make a bomb from it but I really liked to drop it in warm water and watch it “boil” as it sublimated from frozen to a gaseous state. This year I threw a few pieces in isopropyl alcohol with the hopes of freezing some camellia flowers. The flowers were brittle but to do this right I really need liquid nitrogen (-321 degrees F).

The croissants were great and I got this photo from the dry ice.

Snowmen by John Poltrack on


Gdy się Chrystus rodzi and other Polish Christmas Hits

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18 days till Christmas

Gathering round the table on Christmas eve in the 1950s
After a sparse meal (Christmas eve is a fast day) we would gather round the piano and sing these songs

At least we would try to get the lyrics correct, we didn’t have YouTube back then


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Cyber Monday Widgets

Some may enjoy the mob scene on “Gray Thursday” or “Black Friday” fighting over a $39  DVD player that will become obsolete by summer,but honestly isn’t it more relaxing to kick back with a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and order your gifts online?

The friendly UPS, USPS and FEDEX folks will drive to your house and bring you what you need. No crowds, no exposure to flu viruses, no traffic.

You want the Christmas feeling? Visit a Christmas Tree Farm and have a cup of hot cider. That is one thing you CAN’T recreate online.

Tis’ the season for SPENDING!

We haven’t even awakened from a Tryptophan coma when it was time to shuffle off for Gray Thursday, followed by Black Friday.

I have little interest in these two shopping events, I’m waiting for folks to use my shopping link on Cyber Monday (located conveniently above this posting).
However this post is about the third daily event in this shopping series, called  “Small Business Saturday“.
The temperature on Saturday had dropped significantly from the previous two days and there were a few errant snow flakes. I stopped by D.J. Hussey Farm in Townsend MA to photograph their Christmas tree operation. 
What could be more iconic of a small business than a family farm. What could be more iconic of the Christmas Season than fields of Balsam and Fraser Fir?
Wonderful spot to visit and the light and weather were just right for a few photos.
  • D.J. Hussey Farm (Christmas Trees, Blueberries, Strawberries, Pumpkins)
  • 20 Burgess Road
  • Townsend, MA 01469
  • (978) 597-6891