Floral Friday – Tanacetum vulgare (Tansy)

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It’s Floral Friday and I’m featuring a common roadside weed that has some interesting properties. The leaves has a pungent medicinal fragrance when crushed, I was intrigued to learn that it was used to place in coffins as a type of embalming as well as a number of medicinal uses.

These flowers were found growing along the roadside on Taylor Road in New Ipswich, NH.

Tanacetum vulgare (Tansy)
Tanacetum vulgare (tansy)

June in full bloom

One of the miracles of Spring in New Hampshire is the return of green growing flowering plants. It was a tough winter but June make it all worthwhile, with an explosion of  greenery and flowers. Let’s take a tour of my garden.

I’ve tried for some years to grow Baptisia from seed, finally I relented and bought a plant. It is doing well. Always nice to find a flower that is somewhat blue.

Photograph Final Approach by John Poltrack on 500px

Final Approach by John Poltrack on 500px

I was watching the bumblebees working the Lupine flowers. Tried to get this guy in focus.

Photograph Rhododendron by John Poltrack on 500px

Rhododendron by John Poltrack on 500px

Not all the Rhododendron shrubs made  it without some serious winter damage but this one did fine.

Years ago I started with just a few Lupine plants after seeing them in Nova Scotia growing by the roadside. Each year I spread the seeds randomly and manage to have this June display. Over the years they have reverted to blue, with a few pink varieties,

I’m one of the chairman of the Garden Shop at the annual Children’s Fair here in New Ipswich every August.This is one of the regular plants donated each year.

Our state flower, the lilac. This variety is a bit unusual, it bloom later. It is very fragrant.Betsy Thoms gave it to many years ago when we worked together at the Children’s Fair.

A few years I put in a bog garden of peat moss, sand with a partial liner. I have one great pitcher plant that blooms each year with a very strange flower. These plants eat bugs but don’t eat their pollinators (or do they?).

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A Curtain of Water

In June of 2013 we had the opportunity to visit the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens in Boothbay Maine. The Garden consists of 279 shore front acres of plants, water gardens, sculptures and this waterfall which was a feature of the Rhododendron garden.

Fish for #FoodFriday

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My sister was fortunate enough to be able to retire after decades of teaching in June of 2014. We celebrated the event at Molly’s Tavern and Restaurant in New Boston, NH. Highly recommended!

This photo seems like an appropriate choice for #FoodFriday, baked haddock, sweet potato fries and green beans.

Alstroemeria and Daylily

When we lived in Connecticut, my sister planted these yellow daylilies. This variety had much heavier and thicker blossoms than many other varieties. It has been many years and they continue to put on a spectacular display each July (this photo was taken in 2014). She has forgotten the variety, so I’ll just call them “Pat’s Pick”.

The other flower is a Alstroemeria  (Peruvian Lily) that I purchased from Mason Hollow Nursery . I was a bit nervous about it’s winter hardiness but it is progressing nicely this May and I expect some nice bloom from June to Frost.

I gave up on lilies after watching my Oriental Lilies being destroyed by lily beetles. The Alstroemeria is unaffected and doesn’t seem to have any pests.