Why can’t I find lyrics to Hupaj Siupaj?

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When I was young I used to ride in the back seat to church at Holy Name of Jesus in Stamford CT. In the car my father and his sisters would switch to Polish when they wanted to talk about “sensitive” topics. This was an effective strategy because the Polish language is incomprehensible. Mass was celebrated in 3 languages, Latin, Polish and English. I wasn’t a big fan of Mass but the hymns and songs in Polish are some of the most beautiful and moving music I have ever heard. Don’t believe me? Listen to Serdeczna Matko, Henryk Gorecki’s Symphony No. 3 or just about any Polish Christmas Carol.

With all the exposure to the Polish language from birth, you would think that via osmosis I would be able to sing along with “Oj Dana”, “Hupaj Siupaj” and “W poniedziałek rano”. I imagine how great it would be to sing along with these tunes cranked on the car’s CD player.

Thankfully the internet has been of some help. I’m awaiting receipt of “Sing Along With Stas” a CD with Lyrics! The most amazing thing to me is that it is impossible to find Polish lyrics for “Hupaj Siupaj”, one of the most recognizable polkas ever.
I think if I can decode the pronunciation of ą ć ę ł ń ó ś ź ż and the digraphs I may have a chance to mimic the singing. Did I mention my weakness in language (flunking Latin)? It won’t be easy, the pronunciation notes for the “ę” sound explain that it is absolutely impossible for a foreigner to comprehend without hearing it… it starts like the English “eh” and ends with a “wwww” sound with a thick French accent. Daunting isn’t it?

Trivia: Part of Gorecki’s Symphony #3 that I mentioned was used (very effectively) in a wonderful film “Fearless” starring Jeff Bridges.

7 thoughts on “Why can’t I find lyrics to Hupaj Siupaj?

  1. Nice try, and I appreciate your comment. I found via Google that some of the versions of “Pije Kuba” have the refrain “Hupaj Siupaj” but the tune is completely different. My version of “Pije Kuba” in the book “Treasured Polish Songs” has the refrain “Lupu cupu, cupu lupu” (the “l” has a slash). I can only assume that because both songs are folk tunes that they may have been sung as a medley and borrowed refrains. I heard a great version of “Pije Kube” on an album “Texas Lowlands” by Brian Marshall and his Tex-Slav playboys.


  2. <>Success!<>Stas’ Kmiec’ the culture editor at the <>The Polish American Journal<> sent me a link to a Czech website….<>Hupaj siupaj – polka <> A nasza kompania tam wo kopach stoi tamwo kopach stoi, tam wo kopach stoi I pis ze do caraze sie go nie boi,ze sie go nie boi, hupaj siup.Hupaj siupaj hupaj siupaj hupaj siupaj dana hupaj siupaj dana hupaj siupaj dana ,Wczoraj spalem na podlodze dzis na wiazce siana hupaj siupaj dana hupaj siup.


  3. <>Polonia Society’s “Treasured Polish Folk Songs.” page 104<>I have the book, but the actual title is listed as <>“Our Company” <>“A Nasza Kompanja”<><>


  4. I’m so glad to come across the words to this song. I’ve tried websearching for any recording, cd, vinyl, mp3, anything with no luck. Thanks for providing the lyrics. I know the tune well. I believe it was played at every family wedding I attended!


  5. What great songs! The OUR COMPANY song was a marching song… I can remember it being sung along with JAK SZYBKO MIJAJA chwile and Pytala sie pani by my mother's family… I love these songs and I love You Tube for preserving them.. check out Chet Kowalkowski and Eddie B for other great songs.. also Happy Louie and Marion Lush… WOW!!!


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